
Course Information
Course Information

Multimedia One
Mr.. Cavada Rm 502 287-2800 e-mail:

I am proud to say this is an award wining Adobe Youth Voices program, which aims to empower youth with media making skills to make a positive change in their community and in the world. This is also our four year with CreaTV, which offers you the opportunity to have your work featured on our own show, Cardinal Broadcast each Thursday and Sunday on Comcast channel 28.

Multimedia is an introductory course into developing one’s creative confidence. The goal of the course is to develop the three pillars of design, create with confidence, be a creative explorer and be mindfully. Through visual thinking, creative expression and the awareness of the impact of media in our lives you will develop your creative confidence. This class is project based, where students create with purpose and demonstrate their knowledge through sharing completed media projects. We are proud to be apart of the wider Adobe Youth Voices program. AYV is about empowering youth to create media with purpose. Please check out their site at

Materials required
One folder to be left in the classroom
Adobe Account and Behance Account

Creative Confidence
Explore various themes and ideas about youth media using story techniques and becoming agents of change.
Language of design: Introduce the elements and the principles of design and typography
Production: Typography design, Business Card, Font design, Logos, Cartooning, Ad layout, Photo-montage, T –shirts design, podcasts, Motion Graphics
Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects and other digital media and software.

I reward creativity, personal development and cooperation. I grade on a point system by adding up you points and then dividing by the total points possible to arrive at your percentage. I give out very few points. Therefore, remember one or two point can mean the difference between a letter grades
A=100%-90%, B=89%-80%, C=79%-70%, D=69%-65%, F= 64% and below.

Each project you will create presentation portfolios for gradings. I will score using a rubric
If for any reason (except late work) your scores are at the beginning stage, it means your work needs improvement and you will have to re-do the project. If your scores are in the middle stage you are adequately meeting the requirement, but improvement is possible. A score in the advanced stage means you have fully meet the creative requirements. Lastly, a perfect score means you have gone beyond the requirements and are a superstar designer.

Students will create with purpose by exploring various themes and ideas about relevant meaning using word and image. Students will incorporate the elements and the principles of design and typography. All work must be student generated, copy work will receive no credit.

Homework is watching the daily video that will be posted and answering the questions that follow. You can watch the daily video during Advisor, Lunch, After school. Local Places that offer Internet connection are the Library, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club. You can also use your smart devices to view the videos.

Creative Explorer
Homework is assigned every Wednesday and is due the next day. Your homework is due at the tardy bell, and any incomplete homework assignment will result in automatic after class detention.

You will curate your own professional on-line portfolio of your projects and homework sketches using Adobe's Behance Site. You will develop a professional on line profile and it is expected that your will follow professionals in the field. You will also develop a professional on line profile and keep your portfolio up to date.

You will have readings, art history lectures and writings assignments. Assessment will comprise of the following; quizzes, worksheets, group presentations and final examines. Quizzes may not be made up. One last point is all information is on my web site and is for you to use.

Be Mindfully
You are expected in class every day and to be on time. Cuts and trades will affect your grade and possibly result in a F.
Your attention and focus is expected in the classroom and on your design assignments. Studio time is only for working on your design projects. The consequences for unacceptable classroom behavior will result in the loss of computer privilege or other privileges, referrals, calls home or incomplete on assignments.


Respect yourself because each of you has worth.
Use phases like “I can” and “I will try.”

Respect others so that you may be respected.
No harassing or demeaning comments about others race, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation or ability.

No verbal intimidation or put downs of other students.

Listen when others are talking.

Respect the all computer rules in class because use of the computer is a privilege not a right.

No Food or Drinks in the Computer Lab.

Model Release: