I would first like to welcome both parents and students to either my Art One or Multimedia Classes. I have created this class web site for both of you. The web site will provide information about what your daughter or son is doing in my classes. In addition, It will provide information on assignments students may have missed or further information on current or future projects. This web site is ongoing experiment in communication and I would appreciate any feedback on what you feel it is missing or changes you would like to see. So, welcome and lets make the 2004-2005 school year the best we can together.

Office Hours: 9:25-10:30 am
Phone: (408) 937-2800
Rooms: 301 or 502

Wed: home.earthlink.net/~cavadawm

E-mail: cavadaw@esuhsd.org

Parent Connect web site permits you to access your child's attendance and grades

School's web site:

Course Projects | Course Information | Students' Works |


Multi-Media | Course Information | Course Projects | Student's Work |