Art One | Course Information | Students' Work |


Art One is an introductory course into the world of the imagination. It is designed to develop visual thinking, creative expression and the awareness of the unique contributions of the many peoples of the world. Students demonstrate this knowledge through the production and completion of art projects.
Approved UC and CSU Fine arts course.

I grade on a point system. I reward creativity, personal development and cooperation You grade will be calculated by adding up your points and then dividing by the total points possible to arrive at your percentage. I give out very few points. Therefore, remember one or two point can mean the difference between a letter grades
A=100%-90%, B=89%-80%, C=79%-70%, D=69%-60%, F= 69% and below.

Each project is score using a rubric (Beginning, Middle, Advanced and Beyond)
If your scores are at the beginning stage, it means your work needs improvement. If your scores are in the middle stage you are adequately meeting the requirement, but improvement is possible. Any scores in the advanced stage fully meet the requirements. Lastly a beyond score means you have exceded the requirements.

You will need a three ring binder

In your sketchbook you will keep all handouts, quizes,sketckes and project rubric scores. It is expected that your sketchbook is kept up to date and organized. You will have two ongoing homework assignments which all ongoing are to br completed in it.

You will have readings, art history lectures and writings assignments. Assessment will comprise of the following; readings, quizzes, group presentations and final examines. Quizzes may not be made up.

You are expected in class and on time.
Cuts and trades will effect your grade and possibly result in a F+.
Your attention and focus is expected both in the classroom and on your art assignments.
Studio time is only for working on your art projects.
Consequences for unacceptable classroom behavior will result in refers, calls home and incompletes on assignments.

Respect yourself because each of you has worth.
• Use phases like “I can” and “I will try.”
Respect others so that you may be respected.
• No harassing or demeaning comments about others race, gender, ethnicity, religion or
sexual orientation or ability.
• No verbal intimidation or putdowns of other students.
• Listen when others are talking.
Respect the art materials in class because use of the art material is a privilege not a right.
• Clean up before leaving because others share the classroom.
• All materials used are cleaned and put in their proper places.
• Tables are wiped and cleaned.

Due to the funding shortage, there is a $10.00 material cost for each summester.
Each student will receive the following::
1 pink eraser
1 drawing pencil
1 blending stump