In recent years, all sort of definitions of art have been questioned by postmodernism. Postmodernism is suspicious of ideas of truth and objectivity. It argues that ideas are relative and culturally determined. It claims that there is no single meaning to be discovered, because meaning keeps shifting. No image or text is ever unique: images and texts are always related to other images and texts. The artist becomes a reader: the viewer becomes a author. As in a novel, each reader can judge and interpret the text for her or himself. Therefore no one primary meaning, but various meanings, each are considered to be a valid interpretation. This form of appreciation reflects changes in our society. Postmodernism can help us come to terms with reality and help us accept that human identity is complex and meaning is never fixed. It asks those that have not had a voices pervious to speak and provide their 'own accounts of 'other' art.
1. What are the key concepts to postmodernism:
2. Now write in your own words a short definiton for postmodernism:
3. Using the postmodern mindset, what are the different perspectives that could be used to view this painting and what would they have to say about the artwork?