Goal: Produce a CD design for the jewel case. The design thematically gives voice to the musical genre of your client. The images, fonts and layout capture and express the feeling of your music genre.

Objective: Successful use of stock images from client's folder. Successful use of Photoshop's blending, text tool, effects and brushes. Successful use of type and typography. Successful placement of all created artwork as well as your Illustrator created artwork.

CD Requirements

You must choose a genre

You can only use images from the CD Project Images Folder.

You must use at least one brush.

You can make any brush you like from any image you like.

You are to use a type treatment for the title of the your CD.

You are to use choose a type treatment from

What images can you use?

What type of product are you designing?

What type of photoshop skills are you required to use?

What is a musical genre (look at the CD Project home page)