Ligature: Digital Signature
Incorporate a ligature into your name using two letters You must either: combine, cut or invert You must use the Create Outlines You must use the Pathfinder - Divide Tip of the day Less is more, it is the subtle use of a ligatues that makes a design strong confusion is the enemy, keep your ligature readable flow or chi is the goal, allow you ligature to conform to the word Below are examples of ligatures used in a word. Next Add your tagline to your design
Incorporate a ligature into your name using two letters
Tip of the day
Less is more, it is the subtle use of a ligatues that makes a design strong
confusion is the enemy, keep your ligature readable
flow or chi is the goal, allow you ligature to conform to the word
Below are examples of ligatures used in a word.
Next Add your tagline to your design