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Self Photomontage Poster

Choose an aspect of your personality and visualize it in a poster form.

Tell a story. The story you are to convey is about your personality. This project is to move you a way from using images that are just a collection of your hobbies or interest. You goal is to create a dialogue among your images that tell us about you.


Image Size: 9in x 6 in (Landscape or Portrait)
Resolution: 150dpi
Color mode: RGB
Background color: White


GoalThe first aspect of the project is to create a visual portrait of yourself.
Second is to tell a story that engages the viewer by the juxtaposition of images you use.
The last aspect of the project is to use the principle of design to help you tell your story.

Key Components:
Must Be Present in Your Design.
Center Alignment Only
1 to 4 Dominate Images
1 to 2 Secondary images
Background image
Use of Layer mask
Color change or blur of at least one image
Graphic element: border, lines, circles.
Use of contrast, balance, harmony, dominance, texture

Learn to Use the Following:
Pen tool
Brush tool
Layers Mask
Layer Styles

What not to do:No pre-photoshopped images
No CGI images
No logos 
No drawings
No cartoons


Describe your personality?

What are some images you could incorporate or use to show your personality?


What is the Project?

What is one Goal?

What is one Key Componet?

What is one Objectve?

What is one type of image you can not ues?

What is one website you can use for images?

Give an example of a photomontage: