
What are the elemets of art?

What does the pathfinder tool do?

Complete the "expand" video below


Which ones do you expand?

Which ones do you use pathfinder?

Expand is used to nail down live effects like Warp and Envelope Distort. Before you use Expand the effect is live and can be edited anytime, as can the object the effect is applied to, letting you edit text or modify the objects affected. Expand nails down the effect, making the path match the object’s appearance. After Expand the effect is not longer editable and text is converted to paths.

Expand Appearance is only available is the selection has multiple fills or strokes applied using the Appearance panel. If no multiple fills or strokes have been applied, the command is unavailable and Expand should be available. If multiple fills or strokes have been applied then Expand should be unavailable. I have not kept track to see if there is ever a time one can use either command on a single selection.